Redding City Identity Project – Redding, California

The Redding City Identity Project (RCIP) is a collaborative citywide initiative focused on improving the image and reputation of the city of Redding. The RCIP was created in 2017 by the Greater Redding Chamber of Commerce through its 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, the Forward Redding Foundation.

Identity is defined as, “who you are, the way you think about yourself, the way you are viewed by the world and the characteristics that define you.” When applied to a city, identity is closely connected to brand, image and reputation. A city’s image is crucial to its competitive advantage as a place to live, vacation and invest. As a city becomes more appealing, it’s better positioned for job creation, increased revenue and improved quality of life for its citizens.

Before launching the project publicly, the RCIP team privately met with over 120 members of the community to gather collective input. The team was consistently given positive feedback regarding the timing of the RCIP coordinating well with the incredible momentum building within the city of Redding. The finalizing of the Downtown Redding Transportation Plan and the Downtown Redding Specific Plan update, the opening of the Sheraton Hotel at the Sundial Bridge, the Cultural Arts District designation and many significant projects like the K2/McConnell project are all moving the community in the right direction. The Chamber believes the RCIP will add an important element to the recipe for a healthy, revitalized city.

The RCIP will facilitate community collaboration and incorporate best practices while creating and implementing 20 strategies by 2020 to activate and improve Redding’s image and reputation. The process for the RCIP includes a research and development phase, the invitation of community input and collaboration, development of a strategy for actionable items, as well as the implementation of those items.

The outcomes of this initiative are intended to activate increases in the following areas: community pride, marketing effectiveness (economic development, entrepreneurialism, employee recruitment, downtown development and tourism), and residential and commercial property values.

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